Match 1
Wade Barrett def. Daniel Bryan (Special Guest Referee: Brad Maddox)
Match 2
Randy Orton def. Damien Sandow
Match 3
Natalya & The Great Khali def. AJ Lee & Big E Langston
Match 4
Kane def. Titus O'Neil
Match 5
Alberto Del Rio def. Kofi Kingston
Match 6
The Usos (Jay Uso & Jimmy Uso) def. The Real Americans (Antonio Cesaro & Jack Swagger)
Match 7
Rob Van Dam def. Antonio Cesaro, Brodus Clay, Darren Young, Drew McIntyre, Fandango, Heath Slater, Jack Swagger, Jay Uso, Jimmy Uso, Jinder Mahal, Justin Gabriel, Kofi Kingston, Mark Henry, R-Truth, Ryback, Tensai, The Great Khali, Titus O'Neil and Wade Barrett - No. 1 Contender for United States Championship at SummerSlam!